Figure out exactly what you’re doing that’s motivating someone to take action!

Know that this article refers to a tarot reading included in this post. Aumyu Tarot is for your entertainment purposes only and I will not be held accountable for any actions or decisions you make. My intuitive readings are not solid answers that dictate your life, but they should feel more like reassuring confirmation.

So you know, I read the energy of the zodiac as a COLLECTIVE energy.


Here are the random messages that I intuitively tapped into for your energy Collective!

Either you or another could be involved in sports and other group activities.

I don’t care how you currently think of yourself right now, you are more of a big deal than what you give yourself credit for. Toot your own horn every once in a while because you deserve to.

This can mean many things, but someone wants to “mark their territory” with you.

Avoid thinking of yourself as a “gold-digger” or materialistic just because you desire a certain level of stability. You have an understanding that nothing strong can be built on a weak foundation.

If you’re dating someone who co-parents with another, that co-parent may wish to speak with you, but I don’t know if you would be interested.

If you have Leo or Sagittarius as your Sun, Rising, or Jupiter sign, you may resonate with this reading the most. Other related signs are Aquarius and Capricorn.

What are they reminded of when they think of you?

What’s On Your Mind?

You have taken a recent break from talking and hanging out with a particular person or group. Either you or the other wishes to reach out and bridge the gap that is between you, but things may feel a bit awkward for you. You motivate this person by the things you say and do which reminds them of their own goals in life they want to accomplish.

Whomever I am speaking of, this person cannot help but be inevitably attracted to you, regardless if this is of a romantic nature or not. They are drawn to you because of how much they highly estimate you and your unique capabilities. This person may feel they have no choice but to acknowledge the chemistry they feel with you.

What are they reminded of when they think of you?

What’s Going In Your Circle?

There is a competitive spirit of a good nature that surrounds you as the “ultimate goal”. Could there be multiple people fighting for your attention? I see that this is a likely chance, even if you think that no one would give it two thoughts, somebody out there actually is.

It may come as a surprise to know that someone feels like they’re coming up short in winning you over in some way. Family or financial factors could play a part in their hesitation to reach out because one fears that they won’t be able to hold your attention long.

You may have drifted away a little, but someone wishes to keep you close or at least in consistent contact with you. It’s hard to find the peace that you emanate with your presence. You need to know that you are someone’s preference, however, they feel they don’t meet your standards.

“You just didn’t meet the standard.”

Here’s What You May Not Know

This person loves spending time with you, but could this be because they dislike spending so much time with someone else? I hope that you are not acting as a band-aid to help soothe the issues of another person that should be handled elsewhere. You need to know that it would be best to not get involved in situations that don’t originally include you in them.

Understand that you voluntarily pick up baggage that has someone else’s name on it. Don’t allow this to happen because I see someone letting you do this from a place of being selfish and needy.

Watch along to learn more!

What You’re Learning From This Person/Group

You’re learning that you and this person or people may not be as compatible as you would like to be, or your current circumstances will cause inconveniences for this to work out. If not already, I see that you may choose to move on to the next best thing for you. You rather take a chance on yourself with new experiences rather than deal with people that have petty behavior and limited perspectives.

I sense that you can expect your life to flow more smoothly, to connect with like-minded people, and to realign your lifestyle to your purpose. This is a time to honor yourself and all things personal to you.

Wanna Know More?

Friendship Reading

If you liked anything in this post, I recommend purchasing my Friendship Reading!

It doesn’t matter if you have 1 or 100 friends, how are you being supported by those around you?